Sunday, May 29, 2005

Week 2…

So the 100lbs Challenge continues. I still don’t know if I’m losing weight,, staying the same, or gaining. It’s hard to tell. The scale is of no use since it stops reading past 330. I tried my grandma’s scale, but my weight jams the needle so it stops moving…it’s quite funny when you think about it. It’s like the scale is telling me: “Do you really need me to tell you that you could lose a few?”

But I feel a bit better. I feel like I’ve lost a bit, but it’s hard to tell. I found out I’m allergic to wheat. And come to find out, EVERYTHING has wheat in it. From bread to wieners. Anything that requires a filler or a substance to stick it together, it has wheat. So we’ve been eating low-wheat or no-wheat products. It’s hard. I grew up with home made bread and pasta, both of which are places where wheat comes to vacation it’s so full of it. The great thing about my allergy is how I react. I don’t get sick, or break out in a rash…I grow! Yup, I get all bloated. My belly sticks out like I just went through 2 trimesters of pregnancy. Ok, bad example, but it’s the truth. So, now the diet consists of low sugar (carb), low fat (goodbye bacon, my good friend), and low/no wheat. So that leaves broccoli and carrots. And oh yeah, water and air too.

I guess this is the consequence for poor stewardship of my body. Oh well. I hope it’ll be easier once I get to GH. Being home and surrounded by all this food with not much to do but eat is tough. I need stuff to do and places to go.

That’s the update…sorry it’s so anti-climactic (or anti-clamizzle).

Roach out.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Sick & Waiting

So we’re still in New Brunswick. Having a good time with the fam and slowly getting my research paper done. We were in contact with the lawyer last week and had some things to work out, and got those done, and now we still wait for him to tell us we can cross the border. In any case, we won’t leave NB until Monday, which could place us in Michigan as early as Wednesday, but it may be longer than that…

Part of me is frustrated with having to put everything on hold, and having to wait on other people to make a step in our own lives. At times I ask God why, and get irritated when I don’t get a reason. But that’s the other side to the issue. I was reading in Brennan Manning’s book The Signature of Jesus and he drew a picture which made me reflect. I starting thinking that there is always a plan with God. I remember a month or so ago I had left for a weekend trip, and once I was an hour away, I realized that I left my ID at home and needed it to cross the border, so I had to drive back home, which meant an extra 2 hours of driving. I was frustrated, but turned out being able to pick up a hitchhiker who was seeking the Lord, and we had a great talk…wouldn’t of happened if I hadn’t been delayed. So in light of sitting here, I can’t help but think something has to happen for us to be released to leave. I don’t know what it is, but with God, it’s always a good reason, with kingdom implications.

So we wait. PLUS I’m sick. It hit me yesterday, sneezing & coughing…it sucks.

Back to work…man I’m really resenting this assignment

Roach out.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Week 1

Ok, so my management skills leave something to be desired. I started the 100lb challenge the day before my birthday (since I forgot it was my B-day) and the end of this week was not only my dad's b-day, but the wife and I's 1st anniversary (send you cash gift too....). So much cake and eating out plus sleeping equal zero pounds loss..I think...actually I don't know how much weight I have gained or lost since my parent's scale only goes to 340lbs, and since I surpass that monstrous total, I have to get a analog scaled that just goes around and around, and it my case, around one more time.... but at least we're having fun with it...I'm really positive about all of this. Tonight I talked to the Gov and he's going to whip me in shape. he and I will work out together or he'll beat me with his massive guns.

Anyway, a lot has happened this week. We had some bad news from immigration, but it's getting worked out, and we got some incredi-news of Uber-blessing proportions. This past semester Judy and I needed funds to go to school and live. So my parents (who have great credit do the responsibility gene that has skipped my generation) decided that they would take out a student line of credit for us to help us out. Well in doing that, they took out enough to cover the payments on our notebook, my former line of credit to pay for last year's tuition, and a few bills here and there that were looming over us from last year. A total of $18,000 was taken out, and most of it was spent. Well today, as Judy and I sat down with them to tell then how we planned on paying the back, and how we were going to get the money from the US to Canada, Dad interrupts me and says, quite frankly "well, we've been talking about this for about three months now, and you mom (actually, it's mum) and I have decided, that as your anniversay and graduation gift, we would give you that loan. We want to invest in your life in ministry."


You need to understand that my parents are NOT well off. We are simple country folk. My dad hasn't worked steading in a while and though my mom has a good job, we get by, and that's it.
I need to tell everyone: my parents are THE most self-sacrificing people I know of. Their faith in Christ's providence for them supercedes everything...they are fearless chidlren of the father.

So anyway, we have $18,000 less to think about when paying off our student loans and such. Talk about God showing off his love and providence or WHAT!

Man, what a God I serve...
Roach out.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

The 100 lbs Challenge

Ok so at the moment I weigh in at 350lbs…this means that my 5’11” frame is now so large that it is as thick as it is wide. But of course, size is relative. For you to imagine what 54” shoulders and a 48” belly, and 44” waist is, well you would need something to compare it to…

So, here they are. He are some things that I am as big as:

a whale
a hippo
a buick
a brick $#!t house

So, I’ve decided that since I am being confused with some of these things (man it’s weird when someone thinks you’re a………buick), & this being my 28th birthday and all, I shall embark on the 100lbs challenge. Four years ago I weighed 255 lbs, so this time I want to go to 250lbs. The goal is to get it done by Christmas.

I’m serious about this. So do what ever it takes to keep me going. If that means taking that 5th cupcake away from me, or stopping from going to 32nd’s at the Chinese buffet, whatever. I need intervention.

Roach “tubby” out.

Friday, May 13, 2005


Ok, so a new resolution for me and the Mrs. (or the Mrs. & I for you grammar purist): we are getting rid of some of our junk. I’ve realized that even though we’ve only been married for 11+ months that we are pack rats…meaning if we see something me like we keep it…just in case…you never know when you might need that thing-a-ma-jigger…

BUT NO MORE!!!! We are getting rid of some of it. Only what we can fit in a car will be coming to Michigan with us. Later on when we get a house, we’ll come back for the essentials we leave behind, but as for the teddy bears & those sandals I haven’t worn in three years cause they stink, it’s “arrivaderci senioro CRAPOLA!!!”

That’s it.
Roach out.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Couples who golf together, go to the emergency room together...

Reason #1: why couples shouldn't golf together

Ok, so this REALLY didn't happen, but it could... Judes and I went golfing this morning. It wasn't a bad day. The course was wet and it was a bit cool, but overall it was good. We didn't keep score, but I had a few birdie looks and thus, since I miss the puts, a few par looks too. On the 6th hole thought, Judes pared while I bogey'd. How's that for an ego boost...I told her if she did it again, I'd never take her golfing again...(go PRIDE go).

Anyway, all this to say that I am a blessed man. I don't know of any guys that have a wife who not only is ok with them going golfing, but wants to go with them. Judy is great for that. Now if I can only get her into watching hockey on a saturday night and get her to make some wings for me and the boys...OH...Wait...there is not hockey to watch. Kill that idea.

I'll dream up of something....
Roach out.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Love not yet perfected

The problem with using the blogsphere as a whipping boy to vent my frustration, is that my sin is out there for all to see. Sure I could delete the posting and hope that no one read it, but that would just perpetuate a sentiment of hiding and covering up the reality rather than addressing it. So when I post that “BBC doesn't have enough sense at times to take their students' concerns seriously”, I am holding them to a standard and promise that they never said they would keep and that I am unable to show up for myself, and in that I am a hypocrite, and sin.

Grace precedes my revelation and removes guilt and condemnation, which are not from God (Rom. 8). But what I’ve realized, is that I am still far from being perfected in love, meaning that I still have much sin in my life to be purge, much attitude and pride that must be purged, too much of myself left in the drivers seat.

But that’s not the full lesson:

The lesson is that in the smallest word, thought, or deed, there can be revealed to be one of two things. Either I am bringing Glory to God by living in Spirit, or I am rejecting God by living in the flesh. I think, (I know) that I live in a hint of ignorance. I tend to look at certain feelings and thoughts that have big impacts on my day, and consecrate those, but I ignore the everyday conversation, the little comments I make, or the side thoughts I have when someone speaks. The “little” judgments or “quasi” truths that leave our some information, usually stuff that makes me look less impressive. The lesson is that God is constantly desiring to be at work in me, and I only response part of the time. This means I am not surrendered, or committed. Can someone be partially committed and still be considered committed. No…you either are or your not. I understand growth in grace and holiness, but there comes a point when you need to put your foot down and say: Ok, I’m in!

I guess what I’m saying is that: I’m in! No more piddling around, I want to surrender.

Roach out.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Coming soon: The Final Kick in the Crotch

So my graduation was one of the most embarrasing moments of my life. Let's just say it wasn't a comfortable celebration culminating that last four years of my life. Rather it was a reminder that BBC doesn't have enough sense at times to take their students' concerns seriously.

We should have pictures up in the next day or so, and I’ll explain it when we have those posted.

Roach out.