Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Ministry to the under-age

Monday we went to the weekly softball game in Ferrysburg. I’m not a big fan of watching softball, I’d rather play, but such is life. Wally “The Big Ticket” Harrison went yard, so that was sweet to see. But here’s what really went down in the + side of things.

I met someone new. I thought her name was Nataleigh, but she promptly, with disgust, corrected me that her names wasn’t Nataleigh, it was Brooke (Nataleigh’s younger, but very look-a-like sister).

For the next hour and a half, I was blessed to spend time with Brooke, getting to know her two best friends, Tigger and Scooby doo…turns out Scooby has a dry tongue, and Tigger is a player. But it was great. I got up the next morning and was hit with the realization that I had been given the opportunity to BE THE CHURCH to a 4 year old. I know it’s possible to minister to children, there’s no doubt in my mind, but hanging with Brooke at the game made me realize that ministry to kids can and will happen everywhere, just like it does with adults. If you meet a teen or adult in the coffee shop and you sit and talk with them, ministry can happen. So why can’t it happen with kids. They are people too and just as important to the cause of Christ.

Anyway, old truth, new revelation.

Roach out.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

High School Hauntings

This may come to a shock to all that know me, so you best be sitting down when you read this. I AM NOT COOL! Never was, and by most standards never will be, and I am fine with that. At least I thought I was.

Most people I know have fond memories of high school. Spending time with friends, skipping class, faking sick to go shoot some hoops, prom and other great stuff. I on the other hand HATED high school. I was such a reject. Bad hair, bad clothes, overweight, bad identity, bad self-view…you named it, and it fit the category of LOSER.

This past year I’ve really sensed a renewing of my identity in Christ, and a security in knowing that I was created this way for a reason. But something happened recently that brought all the past hurts and insecurities that I thought were long gone. It’s not important what happened, but only this: I was ignorant!

You see, I only let Jesus in part of the way. When rediscovering the image I was created in, I hooked on to the truth that I am loved for who I was made to me: Jason DeRoche. But I didn’t let God mend and heal the hurt of my past. Psalm 147:3 says that God heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. What a great promise and hope. I’ve known that passage for at least 5 years and have never let it sink into the depths of my soul.

Here’s the point: God worked something bad for my good. What I felt, or what I felt was projected on me, was bad. There was no good from that whole situation (I thought). But what God, in his amazingly loving way, took that situation, used a dear friend of mine, and brought me to a place to show me a place of un-surrender and in need of brokenness. At this very moment, I feel very scared to let anyone into this part of my past, but it needs to be done, not so I can be a happier, but so I am freed to love others more abundantly. God is good.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Sweet Sassy Molasseeeee!!!

That was in memory of Trevor Wicklam...he's not dead...just missed!

Ok so we're in Grand Haven, have seen most people, spent time with the Smiths, The Vintons, The Harissons, The Gov, and many others... It's good to be home!

Roach out.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Here we go again to GH!!!!

We are a go…I repeat: we are a go…the falcon has landed, the fat lady has sung, the old lady has moved out of the show, the old man is snoring, it is now cold enough to freeze the nads off a brass monkey...

Meeting the lawyer on Wednesday
Should be in GH by Thursday
See you all soon

Roach “elated” out.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Wilson Phillips taught me to hold on...for one more day

It is now June 1st, and I am holding on. Still in New Brunswick, still not done my last homework assignment (and not motivated at all to work on it),& still unsure of my weight.

But, hold on for one more day...

Some great things have happened in the time of my delay here. My dad got a great job. He hasn’t worked for two years, so it’s been added stress on my family. In that two year span, he became a licensed mechanic and has waited for a job to come. Two weeks ago, when Judes and I landed home, he and I started working on resumes, cover letters and looking for jobs for him. Well, this past Monday he went to town to apply for this one job, and by totally divine appointment, he walked into another garage to talk to a guy and the phone rang. It was a different garage looking for a mechanic, so dad drove over, had an interview, and the rest is history. He’s now working a very full week, at a great garage with good, honest people. So for the last few days, we’ve been walking in a jubilant sense of blessing. So I’m grateful to have been here to pray for this and to see it happen.

This Friday by brother is coming for the weekend. Part of me hopes that today we’ll get the call from the lawyer telling us we’re ready to go, and if so, we’ll leave tomorrow...but then again, it would be great to see my brother one more time.

Today, Judes and I are farmer Jack & farmer Jane (I’m farmer Jack). Since dad is working, we’re going to plant our garden with potatoes, corn, yellow beans, etc... or as we call them here: patate, ble d’inde, cos, etc...

Well, As Wilson Phillips in their only hit song told us in their abundance of wisdom...hold on for one more day...

Roach out.