Monday, February 13, 2006

Prodecentralizationalist seeking Prodecentralizationalism

The title and overuse of uselessly long syllabled words was for Durkee. Missing you.

Theme was for me. Part of the process in this journey to discovering who Jason is, is learning who I am in light of the body (which part am I?) and what role I play in light of the kingdom. Both of which require me to be a part of something, rather than that something being a part of me.

This past year of "ministry" has been a huge growth opp. I realize that I've become a Pro-decentralizationalist. Meaning, I've become aware that the way Christ designed his church to opperate is really the best way. No WAY! uh huh WAY! Even the savior removed himself as the central figure to what was going on. Time and time again, he steps aside to give the Father glory, or sets others around him to win, rather than let everyone know that he was the one to make things happen (see Wedding at Cana...the host gets the glory, though Christ did the 'work'). All that to say that I am becoming more and more aware of the need to not be central to the 'minsitry' entrusted to me. And with this shift in paradigm, I am in need of an pro-decentralizationalistic environment. So far so good.

I hope that the next step for me is a place that has already embraced Prodecentralizationalism. Here's praying!


Blogger Heather Durkee said...

Adam laughed and said "not bad"

6:18 PM  
Blogger Aaron Perry said...

definitely praying for you.

11:00 AM  

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