99 degrees, moving & missing Canada
So we're moving today to an apt that is cheaper but bigger. (go figure...I'm a rhyme-er). That's the upside, the downside is we only have 4 hours to do so (truck rental and help available) and it's 99degrees today. Which leads me to a bit of home-sickness. Watched a movie last night that had a NY winter scene. I miss the cold weather. I fear I shall never feel a true chill again. Rumor has it that God made a deal with Kansas that if he could use this area as a testing groud for the lake of fire then we would get underacheiving football & baseball teams.
Tomorrow it will hit 100. That's just sick. I remember sitting in my home town as a kid thinking to myself that if ever I visited a place that was that hot, I'd combust. I was wrong....you're too soaked from sweating to catch fire, so I figure now that melting is the result. We have a 6month lease and hopefully by then we'll be ready to get a house. Plus I hope by december, the mercury drops to at least the 80's..who knows... a man can dream eh?
But it is a "dry heat", right??
heat is ok; humidity sucks!
You rock!
I completely understand. I'm melting away and it's only eighty-five degree. I may adopt a hermit lifestyle and hide away in the A/C.
Thinking of you both!
The funny thing is that the winters out there aren't terribly different from the ones in the (southern) Maritimes. It's all about extremes and truly experiencing all four seasons. I hope you're enjoying your new place.
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